Source code for sensors

import ustruct as struct
import sensor
import pyb

import ulogging as logging

logger = logging.Logger(__name__)

[docs]class Sensor: """A class that represent the Arduino-controlled sensors Offers an interface for ultrasonics sensors and line sensors (IR). """ PIN = 2 SLAVE_ADDRESS = 0x10
[docs] def __init__(self): self.__i2c = pyb.I2C(self.PIN) self.__i2c.init(pyb.I2C.MASTER)
def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Sensor(pin={}, address={})".format(self.PIN, self.SLAVE_ADDRESS)
[docs] def recv(self) -> tuple: """Requests the Arduino controller via I2C and unpack data received from sensors. Returns: (front_dist, back_dist, line_sensors): The front and back distance and a list of four line sensors values. """ # creates a buffer of 12 bytes (6 * typeof(int)) buffer = bytearray(12) # receive data from sensor buffer will be filled in-place self.__i2c.recv(buffer, Sensor.SLAVE_ADDRESS) # front_dist, back_dist, *line_sensors = struct.unpack(">6H", buffer) return front_dist, back_dist, line_sensors
[docs]class Camera: """A class to groups functions related to OpenMV Cam More infos: Attributes: width: the screen width in pixels height: the screen height in pixels """ # List of thresholds (can be obtained in Open MV) that match the element color THRESHOLDS = [(0, 100, 127, 42, -128, 127)] # RED COLOR BALL_DIAMETER = 45 # in millimeters FOCAL_LENGTH = 2.8 HFOV = 70.8 # horizontal field of view in degrees VFOV = 55.6 REAL_SIZE = 7 # in millimeters
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initialize the LED to show state and setup the camera sensor""" self._red_led = pyb.LED(1) # Turns led on (red color) self._red_led.on() # Setup sensor settings # sensor.reset() sensor.set_vflip(True) # Reverse image on vertical axis sensor.set_hmirror(True) # Reverse image on horizontal axis sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) sensor.set_auto_gain(False) # Must be turned off for color tracking # Must be turned off for color tracking sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False)
[docs] @staticmethod def distance_to(blob) -> float: """Calculate real distance between camera and object. Args: blob: a blob object (you can get one with ball_blob()) Returns: The distance in millimeters. """ obj_width_on_sensor = (Camera.REAL_SIZE * blob.h() / 2) / sensor.width() distance = (Camera.BALL_DIAMETER * Camera.FOCAL_LENGTH) / obj_width_on_sensor return distance
[docs] @staticmethod def get_angle(blob) -> float: """Get horizontal relative angle (in degrees) of the blob. Args: blob: a blob object (you can get one with ball_blob()) Returns: The angle between [-35.4, +35.4] """ rel_angle = Camera.HFOV * (blob.cxf() - sensor.width() / 2) / sensor.width() return rel_angle
[docs] def shutdown(self): """Shutdown the camera and the LED""" sensor.shutdown()
[docs] @staticmethod def ball_blob(): """ Takes a snapshot and find pixels area matching with thresholds . Returns: image.blob | None: returns a blob object if visible. Additionnal informations can be found here about the blob object: """ img = sensor.snapshot() # Only blobs with more 50 pixels and area are returned for blob in img.find_blobs( Camera.THRESHOLDS, pixels_threshold=50, area_threshold=50 ): if blob.roundness() < 0.3: continue if pyb.USB_VCP().debug_mode_enabled(): # If the cam is connected to OpenMV IDE img.draw_rectangle(blob.rect()) img.draw_cross(, return blob # we need only one blob return None