Source code for robot

import uasyncio as asyncio
import math

import ulogging as logging
from motors import Motor
from sensors import Camera, Sensor

logger = logging.Logger(__name__)

[docs]class Robot: """A class that represents the robot and offers shortcuts functions to runs two motors. Args: rmotor (Motor): The right-side motor lmotor (Motor): The left-side motor """ WHEEL_DIAMETER = 80 # in millimeters ROT_DIAMETER = 270 # distance (mm) between two wheels
[docs] def __init__(self): self.lmotor = Motor(4, 0x09, 1) self.rmotor = Motor(4, 0x09, 2) = Camera() self.sensor = Sensor()
@property def moving(self): return self.lmotor.speed != 0 or self.rmotor.speed != 0
[docs] @staticmethod def time_for_distance(distance: float, speed: float) -> float: """Returns needed time in seconds to travel a specified distance at a given speed. Args: distance: in millimeters speed: in RPM """ turns = distance / (Robot.WHEEL_DIAMETER * math.pi) time = turns * 60 / abs(speed) return time
[docs] async def stop(self, *_) -> None: """Stop all motors and timer""" logger.debug("Stopping motors...") await self.rmotor.stop() await self.lmotor.stop()
[docs] async def rotate(self, speed: float, angle: float) -> None: """Turns itself in clockwise. The recommended speed is 100. Args: speed: the speed [-200; 200] in RPM angle: the angle [-180, 180] in degrees to turn """ if angle < 0: angle, speed = -angle, -speed section_dist = (angle % 360) / 360 * math.pi * Robot.ROT_DIAMETER # 0.8 is a correction factor (turn is limited by frictions on the surface) time = self.time_for_distance(section_dist, speed) await, time) await, time)
# await asyncio.sleep_ms(round(time * 1000))
[docs] async def move_to(self, distance: float, speed: float) -> None: """Move to the object position at a given speed. Args: distance: distance to run speed: the speed [-200; 200] in RPM """ time = self.time_for_distance(distance, speed) await, time) await, time)
[docs]async def main() -> None: """The main function, interact with sensors and Robot class""" robot = Robot()"Robot is ready") while True: ball_blob = # if the ball was detected if ball_blob: angle = if abs(angle) >= 5: await robot.rotate(speed=100, angle=angle) if not robot.moving: dist = await robot.move_to(dist, speed=150) elif not robot.moving: await await # TODO: fix: ball can be stuck to robot await asyncio.sleep_ms(40) # 25 FPS, this time is needed to run tasks