Source code for motors

from pyb import I2C
import uasyncio as asyncio
import ustruct as struct

from utils import Timer
import ulogging as logging

logger = logging.Logger(__name__)

[docs]class Motor: """A class to represent a motor and offers an API to control it. Additionnal documentation can be found here: - - """ HEADER = [0xA5, 0x01] END = 0x5A CMD_MOVE_SPD = 0x05 CMD_MOVE_SPD_TIME = 0x08 CMD_RESET = 0x07 CMD_MOVE_AGL = 0x11
[docs] def __init__(self, pin: int, addr: int, slot: int): """Initialize I2C communication to motor. Args: pin: I2C bus' pin (2 or 4) addr: slave's address slot: motor's slot (1 or 2) """ self.__slot = slot - 1 self.__addr = addr self.__i2c = I2C(pin) self.__i2c.init(I2C.MASTER) self.__speed = 0 self._stopper = Timer(callback=self.stop)
@property def speed(self): return self.__speed async def __send_data(self, data: list): """Creates a trame from the data and send it to motor via I2C. Args: data: [slot, CMD, args]: data to send """ lrc = self._lrc_calc(data) data_size = self._to_bytes("l", len(data)) trame = Motor.HEADER + data_size + data + [lrc, Motor.END] self.__i2c.send(bytearray(trame), self.__addr) await asyncio.sleep_ms(20) # A few wait time is needed for the motor. def __recv_data(self, length: int) -> bytearray: """Receives data from I2C slave's address Args: length number of bytes to receive Returns: buffer: data received in bytes """ buffer = bytearray(length) self.__i2c.recv(buffer, self.__addr) return buffer
[docs] def scan(self) -> list: """Scan slaves connected to the current I2C pin. Returns: list_of_slaves: addresses of slaves that respond """ list_of_slaves = self.__i2c.scan() return list_of_slaves
[docs] async def run(self, speed: float, time=None) -> None: """Controls motor rotation with speed given for an optional time. Args: speed: rotation speed (RPM) in [-200, +200] time: in seconds, runs for a specified time """ if self.__i2c.is_ready(self.__addr): # Sets time limits to [-200 , +200] and convert it in bytes if speed < -200: speed = -200 elif speed > 200: speed = 200 if speed != self.__speed: speed_bytes = self._to_bytes("f", speed) data = [self.__slot, Motor.CMD_MOVE_SPD] + speed_bytes self.__speed = speed await self.__send_data(data) if time: self._stopper.cancel() self._stopper.start(timeout=time) else: raise RuntimeError("Motor {} cannot be run.".format(self.__slot))
[docs] async def move(self, angle: float, speed: float) -> None: """Move motor of angle degrees at a speed given. Args: speed: rotation speed (RPM) in [-200, +200] angle: angle in degrees to rotate. """ if speed < -200: speed = -200 elif speed > 200: speed = 200 if speed != self.__speed: self.__speed = speed time = (angle / 360 * 60) / speed await, time)
[docs] async def stop(self): """Reset motor position to 0 and reinitialize data received.""" data = [self.__slot, Motor.CMD_RESET] await self.__send_data(data) self.__speed = 0
[docs] @staticmethod def _lrc_calc(data) -> int: """Calculate the Longitudinal Redondancy Check (LRC) Returns: lrc: the value of LRC """ lrc = 0x00 for byte in data: lrc ^= byte return lrc
[docs] @staticmethod def _to_bytes(fmt: str, data) -> list: """Convert and pack data with a given format The list of available formats can be found here: Args: fmt: string used to pack the data from a given format. data: data to be converted to bytes. Returns: data_bytes: a list of each element of data converted to bytes. """ data_bytes = list(struct.pack(fmt, data)) return data_bytes